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The first twitcom? Peep Show goes web 2.0

Anyone familiar with the innovative Channel 4 comedy Peep Show will know that stream of consciousness is key to the show’s format. It’s perhaps fitting then that Peep Show recently launched on Twitter, home of short-form verbal diarrhoea.

Twitter members can follow, and most interestingly, interact with the comedy’s eight central characters, in what the show’s producers describe as “an experiment in interactive comedy and fiction.”

Wiki FC comes of age

While Abramovich’s autocratic style might dominate top tier football, down in the Blue Square Premier, the last year has seen a quiet revolution in the way clubs are owned and managed.

February 2009 marks a year under new ownership for Ebbsfleet United. This fact becomes more significant when you consider that Ebbsfleet is the first club in the world to be 100% owned and managed by an online fan community, MyFootballClub.