Half Naked Kangaroo Hero: Is Bonds on the PR offensive?

The Sydney Morning Herald cemented its reputation for hard-hitting reportage on Tuesday with the story of the ‘Ninja’ Kangaroo.
Arguably the most exciting thing to happen in Canberra for a while, the marsupial broke into the bedroom of the Ettlin family home while the family were all tucked up asleep in bed.
The long and short of it is that the father got the Kangaroo in a headlock and wrestled it out the door, saving the day.
What caught my attention was the final few lines of the piece, which manages to namecheck Bonds’ undies twice:
“I had just my Bonds undies on. I felt vulnerable,” he [the dad] said…
Ms Beman praised her husband’s courage and said she didn’t know many men who would go head-to-head with a kangaroo.
“I think he’s a hero, a hero in Bonds undies,” she said.
Sydney Morning Herald 10 March, 2009
Given the backlash resulting from its parent company’s decision to cut nearly 2,000 Australian jobs and move manufacturing offshore, this publicity couldn’t have come at a better time for Bonds.
Indeed, the cynical amongst us might even think it’s a clever piece of PR on the part of the stricken underwear manufacturer.
Given the Kangaroo-wrestler’s Swiss background, perhaps Bonds’ is trying to reinforce the message that you don’t have to be made in Australia to be an Aussie hero…