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Using Google to reveal what matters to us most

Dan Ariely’s blog highlights how Google’s autocomplete can be used to reveal some interesting insights about what matters to us most:

“For better or for worse, Google’s obsession with collecting and refining data has given us a window into each other’s fascinating and telling curiosities.”

Ariely’s above example suggests how automplete could be used to identify key concerns around brands or political leaders. But perhaps just as interesting is which of those phrases Ariely was searching on in the first place…

Related posts:

  1. Google: the limitations of design by data
  2. What Matters Now: ideas, predictions and navel-gazing
  3. Online reviews: how to read between the lines
  4. Google’s Magical Mystery Tour
  5. Why Silly Stuff Matters


Ben de Castella

Good article, thanks Rob.

Interesting that according to Google, ‘synonyms affect 70 percent of user searches across the more than 100 languages Google supports’. The challenge of ascertaining correct meaning has even spawned a print campaign for the Financial Times based around ambiguous search terms such as ‘record fall’. Fittingly, I can’t seem to find the creative through search however…