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Seagull Vs chip – Google Street View’s accidental heroes

If you live in the UK you may have already seen this, but I thought it was too good to ignore…

Last week I stumbled across this superb Google Street View image capturing an audacious seagull making a quick getaway after stealing a chip in John Street, Brighton.

As a former Brighton resident, I think it provides a great insight into what it’s like to live there. If you were to scroll round to the right you’d notice that the theft occurred right outside Brighton Police Station – I assume the police were too busy dishing out ASBOs to intervene…

For more of Street View’s accidental heroes check out this collection from the Huffington Post.

UPDATE 14/05/2010: Interestingly Google (under pressure from Brighton & Hove City Council?) seem to have photoshopped out the offending seagull from StreetView, so I’ve replaced it with a screenshot.

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  1. Google’s Magical Mystery Tour
  2. Using Google to reveal what matters to us most
  3. Google: the limitations of design by data
  4. The best consumer segment ever: loves risks, drugs and the odd street fight