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Redesigning the blog around the content

Like many people with a blog, I don’t update it as much as I’d like.

Recently I’ve been trying to convince myself that this was not a result of my own laziness. Rather, I concluded that my previous image-led, magazine-style design was better suited to long-form articles than short posts and links. Predictably, this realisation resulted not in hard-hitting features but deliberation and inactivity.

The old site
The old site

The obvious conclusion was to go back to basics and redesign the blog. So here it is, hopefully with the help of Thesis, unmissable regular content will become the norm.

Related posts:

  1. – bringing together your content from across the web
  2. The downside of content personalisation


Dan Parkinson

Like the new design – clean and simple to let the ideas shine through. Looking forward to seeing the fruits that it brings forth…

Ben de Castella

Thanks Dan – me too…