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Tooheys Extra Dry and the mystery of the house party six pack

The new Tooheys Extra Dry ad attempts to answer a question that has nagged anyone who’s ever turned up at a house party with a six pack of beers: where exactly do they end up once you stick them in the ice bath?

The ad gets top marks for tapping into a universal truth about house parties, but sadly I’m not sure it tells the real story. Any sane person taking Tooheys to a house party has one thing on their mind – upcycling them into something with a bit of flavour.

Buses, lasers and knowing your audience

This ad for the laser-slingers down at Vision Eye Institute serves as a great reminder about the importance of considering your audience.

While outdoor may not be the most targeted medium,  buying media on the back of a bus does guarantee you one thing – that you’ll get your message in front of drivers.

What’s alarming is that this ad seems based on the insight that Sydney’s vision-impaired drivers will still get behind the wheel even if they don’t have their glasses with them.

More confusing from an advertiser’s perspective is this though: if the target audience really have forgotten their glasses, wouldn’t they have a hard time reading the ad in the first place?